Therapeutic Solutions
Change how you treat Barret's Esophagus

Therapeutic Solutions by PENTAX Medical

PENTAX Medical's therapeutic solutions, the HemoStat WideCup and C2 CryoBalloon, stand at the forefront of innovation in gastrointestinal procedures, offering advanced, efficient, and safe options for healthcare professionals.

HemoStat WideCup

Developed in collaboration with Dr. Naohisa Yahagi, this advanced tool provides precise control of bleeding with its unique bipolar technology. Designed to minimize thermal damage, it is perfect for delicate areas such as the colon, caecum, and duodenum. The HemoStat WideCup ensures efficient coagulation and enhances procedural safety, making it an essential tool for GI professionals.

C2 CryoBalloon

This cutting‑edge technology offers a minimally invasive approach to treating Barrett’s esophagus. Utilizing cryogenic freezing with nitrous oxide, the C2 CryoBalloon precisely targets and eradicates diseased tissue while preserving surrounding healthy structures. It significantly reduces post‑procedure pain and speeds up recovery time, providing an effective and patient‑friendly solution for managing pre‑cancerous conditions.