AI at Your Side better together

PENTAX Medical Discovery™: Computer Aided Detection

Detect more clinically relevant lesions with AI at your side. The Discovery is the world's first AI‑based computer-aided detection system proven to significantly boost the detection of SSLs per colonoscopy, even for expert practitioners.


Trained for Real‑World Application

To support you in your daily practice the Discovery learned from real‑world case images. Our expert-contributed database contains images that were recorded and annotated by renowned CRC centers worldwide.

We deliberately included images of subtle lesions, cases with insufficient bowel preparation, as well as images of lesions being out of focus, off‑center, or suboptimally illuminated in our training database to ensure optimal performance in your daily practice.

AI at your Side for perfect Synergy

See for yourself how you can make a difference for yourself and for your patients with AI at your side.

Studies Show the Real Effect

With Discovery, even colonoscopy experts were able to find more clinically relevant lesions than ever.

Within our global multi-center randomized controlled trial, Discovery was able to significantly increase the detection of SSLs even among experts. The absolute increase of Sessile Serrated Lesion per Colonoscopy (SSLPC) has been 11% (19% vs 30%, p=0.049).

Each 1 % increase in the SSL detection rate is associated with a 7 % decrease of risk of interval post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer.

Simple Setup – Simple Choice

To make your upgrade to AI as easy as possible, Discovery adapts to your setup.


Depending on your preferences Discovery can either be used as your main monitor or in a portable setup.


Its integrated design and simple connectivity allow Discovery to be used in multiple rooms, wherever you need it.

You and Discovery – Better Together

Combining skills creates a synergy and maximizes your detection rate. It supports experts as well as gastroenterology fellows.

Your Medical Experience

  • Lets you reach the cecum in 6min.

  • Ensures covering all of the mucosa

  • Makes you look behind every fold

Discovery at your side

  • Finds subtle lesions in areas you visualize

  • Monitors thousands of spots in parallel

  • Is 100% alert, even when you blink

Key Benefits of Discovery AI at a Glance

1. Detect More Clinically Relevant Lesions

Discovery is the first AI system to demonstrate a significant increase in SSL detection: In our study experts increased their detection of SSLs by 11 % per colonoscopy.

2. Increase your Confidence in your Examination

It supports experts as well as gastroenterology fellows and helps them increase their confidence in their skills and the examination outcome.

3. Decrease the Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Detecting more SSLs improves the patient’s quality of life. Increasing the detection rate of SSLs in the proximal colon by 1 % is associated with a decrease in colorectal cancer risk by 7 %.

seamless integration