Global Approach on Innovation
Our groundbreaking innovations stem from the visionary ideas of our experts from various disciplines who deeply understand the intricacies of endoscopy products and procedures.
This diverse team, spanning every region of the world, captures the unique needs of our clinical partners, transforming them into pioneering solutions.
Our engineers at five research, development, and innovation centers worldwide then bring these ideas to life, creating cutting-edge solutions that meet the everyday needs of healthcare professionals and patients.

PENTAX Medical Focuses
Advanced Endoscopy
Advanced Endoscopy develops a comprehensive system integrating reusable and single-use endoscopes with a focus on sustainability. Through innovative software and electrical engineering, our technologies ensure precise diagnostics.
Artificial Intelligence
Our work in artificial intelligence (AI) supports medical professionals, increases efficiency, and enables faster, better patient treatment. We develop technologies for early detection and diagnosis of medical abnormalities.
Advanced Image
Advanced Imaging provides high‑quality images essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. It uses optimized illumination and camera systems in endoscopes.
Technology Research
Our Innovation Center focuses on exploring new materials, technologies, and methodologies for medical applications. We apply research findings, test and refine prototypes, collaborate with healthcare providers for feedback,
Research Community Screening
Our team thoroughly screens papers, listens to scientific talks, and visits clinical congresses to identify groundbreaking ideas. We assess originality, potential impact, and cooperative potential of research projects.
Lab-Space for Innovation
We accelerate innovation through co‑creation and ideation workshops. Our Lab‑Space for Innovation fosters collaborative creativity, combining resources and expertise from diverse and global teams.
Smart Solutions by PENTAX Medical
Healthcare professionals face many daily challenges, including time constraints, staffing shortages, equipment availability, and budget limitations. With over a century of manufacturing expertise, PENTAX Medical has evolved into a leading Smart Solutions provider in the field of cutting-edge endoscopy.
Smart Solutions In Endoscopy
Committed to overcoming these hurdles, PENTAX Medical has established itself as a leader in delivering Smart Solutions in endoscopy. Our innovative approach extends across various spectrums of treatment such as Upper & Lower GI, Biliopancreatics, Pulmonology, ENT and Infection Prevention. We strive to offer comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy solutions, emphasizing seamless orientation, precise detection, detailed characterization, and effective therapy, all designed to optimize patient care and enhance the efficiency of medical procedures.
PENTAX Medical INSPIRA™ Video Processor

The INSPIRA video processor is designed to enhance diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. This endoscopy processor delivers optimal image quality for the current generations of PENTAX Medical endoscopes.
Discover the next generation of video endoscopes: i20c
i20c Series

The i10c Series brings the latest high‑tech, high‑efficiency solutions to routine endoscopy procedures. They were developed by integrating feedback from doctors worldwide to create a solution made for your daily needs.
Tilman Schröter, General Manager at Augsburg Innovation centerOur highly specialized team harnesses the unique ideas of each individual, transforming them together into exceptional solutions and systems, maintaining professionalism where needed and embracing fun whenever possible.